
154 Authorized Send Installation and Configuration Guide for imageRUNNER Machines
Message Cause Remedy
Anonymous User E-Mail is not
valid: local part cannot
contain character(s) ‘?’, ‘&’
The local part contains
non-alphanumeric values other
than ‘.’, ‘-’, and ‘_’ (such as ‘?’,
‘&’, ‘$’, ‘#’, ‘%’, etc.).
Make sure the local part
contains only the
non-alphanumeric values
‘.’, ‘-’, and ‘_’.
Anonymous User E-Mail is not
valid: domain cannot be empty
if ‘@’ is present.
The symbol, ‘@’, is present, but
the domain part is blank.
Make sure if the symbol,
‘@’, is present, the domain
part is not blank.
Anonymous User E-Mail is not
valid: domain cannot exceed
255 characters.
The domain part exceeds 255
Make sure the domain part
does not exceed 255
Anonymous User E-Mail is not
valid: hyphen, ‘-’, or dot, ‘.’,
cannot be the first or the last
character in the domain.
The hyphen, ‘-’, or dot, ‘.’,
appear first or last in the domain.
Make sure the hyphen, ‘-’,
or dot, ‘.’, does not appear
first or last in the domain.
Anonymous User E-Mail is not
valid: hyphen, ‘-’, or dot, ‘.’,
cannot appear consecutively in
the domain.
The hyphen, ‘-’, or dot, ‘.’,
appears consecutively in the
Make sure the hyphen, ‘-’,
or dot, ‘.’, does not appear
consecutively in the
Anonymous User E-Mail is not
valid: domain cannot contain
character(s) ‘?’, ‘&’
The domain contains
non-alphanumeric values other
than ‘.’, ‘-’, and ‘_’ (such as ‘?’,
‘&’, ‘$’, ‘#’, ‘%’, etc.).
Make sure the domain
contains only the
non-alphanumeric values
‘.’, ‘-’, and ‘_’.
Domain name is missing.
The [Domain Name] text box is
Enter the domain name of
the authentication server.
Pre-Set Share Search Root
cannot be empty.
The [Search Root] text box for
the Retrieve Home Directory
function is blank.
Enter the search root.
NTLM domain name cannot
be empty.
The [NTLM domain name] text
box is blank.
Enter the NTLM domain
Cannot pull a live domain
controller from DNS servers.
The [Pull host from DNS] radio
button is set to ‘Yes’ and a live
domain controller cannot be
Check the configuration and
try again.
Connection Failed. Could not
connect to x:y
The connection to the
authentication server failed
because Authorized Send cannot
connect to the host name,
represented by x, and the port,
represented by y.
Check the host name and/or
port and try again.
Connection Failed. Could not
resolve host name: x.
The connection to the
authentication server failed
because Authorized Send cannot
resolve the host name,
represented by x.
Check the host name and/or
server configuration and try