degree of LED illumination changes in four
stages depending on the brightness of the
subject seen in the viewfinder. When the
subject is brighter, the LED brightness is
slightly higher, and it is slightly lower with a
darker subject. As a result, the LED main-
tains an almost consistent degree of bright-
ness to the human eye.
The viewfinder information signal is trans-
mitted to the display every half second.
Accordingly, in rapidly varying light con-
ditions, the changes in aperture or shutter
speed will be indicated slightly behind time.
This is a concession to the adjustment
limitations of the human eye which in no
way affects exposure timing.
Cancelling the Viewfinder Display
With the A-1, you have the option of turning
off the viewfinder display altogether. This
can be done simply by turning the view-
finder display lever to the white dot. Meter-
ing is taking place and the shutter can be
released for a correctly exposed image even
when the display is switched off, but it saves
battery power and gives you absolute
freedom to focus and compose the image
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