
The VB-C300 Log Messages
The log messages are classified into the following five categories.
Log Messages
Camera Messages
A001 Camera start failure (crit)
A002 Protocol initialization failure (err)
A011 Camera control device error (warning)
A012 WebView Livescope client start and stop (info)
A016 Video data transmission quantity (info)
Classification Level Error level
crit Error A critical failure at software level (task stops).
err Error A failure affecting camera operation (task continues).
warning Warning A failure not affecting the camera operation.
notice Warning A failure external to the system.
info Information Information concerning normal operation.
Message no %1 installed
%1 sources | protocols
Explanation Camera failed to capture images or initialize the protocol and could not start.
Countermeasure Reboot the camera. If the problem persists, it is a camera failure. Call for service.
Message %1 protocol not installed
%1 Protocol type (LS/H)
Explanation The camera failed to initialize the WebView. Configuration data may be destroyed.
Countermeasure Restore the factory default settings or press the Reset switch.
Message %1@%2 %3
%1 Client type (LS/H)
%2 Client host IP address
%3 connected | closed
Explanation The HTTP WebView client (LS/H) has started or stopped.
Message %1@%2 %3 frames / %4 bytes in %5 seconds
%1 Client type (LS/H)
%2 Client host IP address
%3 Number of frames
%4 Number of bytes
%5 Video transmission period
Explanation This message indicates the results of video transmission to the client.
Message %1 malfunction (%2)
%1 Camera type (Canon VB-C300NA | Canon VB-C300PA)
%2 Error (read | write | timeout | ...)
Explanation An I/O error for the camera control device has occurred.
Countermeasure If the problem persists, it is a camera failure. Call for service.