Error Codes
Error Codes
If errors occur during sending or receiving, they are recorded in reports as error
Cause A document may be jammed.
Remedy Remove the jammed document.
Cause 1 An attempt was made to send a document of 3.3 feet (1 meter) or longer from
the feeder.
Remedy Divide the document into smaller parts and send from the platen glass.
Cause 2 A document takes a long time to send because it contains too much data.
Remedy Reduce the scanning resolution before sending.
Cause 3 A document takes a long time to receive.
Remedy Contact the other party and ask them to reduce their scanning resolution or
divide the document into smaller parts for sending.
Cause No reply is received from the other party’s fax machine.
Remedy Try sending once again from the beginning.
Cause The other party is not using a G3 fax machine.
Remedy Contact the other party to check.
Cause The passwords did not match at polling sending.
Remedy Check with the other party.