The white balance (WB) function sets the optimal white balance for natural
looking colors to match the shooting conditions.
Choose the white balance
After pressing the @ button, press the
._.v buttons to choose AWB,then press the
@ button again.
Press the Av buttons to choose an
option, then press the @ button,
The setting will appear on the screen.
AWBAuto Automaiicaiiy seis theop{imai white 5aiance foi the shoo{ing
_2 Day Light For shooting outdoors, in fine weather conditions.
a Cloudy For shooting in cloudy, shady or twilight conditions.
For shooting under tungsten and bulb-type (3-wavelength)
_6: Tungsten fluorescent lighting.
For shooting under warm-white fluorescent, cool-white
'_ Fluorescent fluorescent and warm-white-type (3-wavelength) fluorescent
,ii, ,-i _,, 'Forshooiingunderdayiighifluorescenianddayiight_{ype(3_
muorescem rl wavelength) fluorescent
Custom For manually setting a custom white balance.
Custom White Balance
You can adjust the white balance to match the light source at the shooting
location. Make sure that you set the white balance under the light source of
the actual scene you will shoot.
In Step 2 above, choose _a.a.
Make sure the entire screen is filled with a
plain, white colored subject, then press the
MENU button.
The tint on the screen will change when
white balance data is set.