SNMP v. 1
Used for read only access when used in conjunction with SNMPv3 for setting MIB
Access Permission levels. Can be set to [Read/Write] if security is not necessary.
SNMP v. 3
Management functions of SNMPv3 enable different permission levels for security, if
used in conjunction with SNMPv1.
Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line. Spooling means putting jobs in a buffer,
which is a special area in memory or on a disk. Devices access data at different rates.
The buffer provides a holding area where the data is held until the device for which it
is meant is ready to access it.
Secure Sockets Layer. A protocol that ensures security and privacy when transmitting
private documents over the Internet.
SSL Encryption
SSL uses two keys to encrypt data: a public key, which is known to "everyone," and a
private or secret key, which is known only to the recipient of the message.
Use this setting to send normal, typewritten, or printed documents containing only
text and no drawings, photographs, or illustrations. See Fine, Super Fine, and Ultra
Startup time
If the machine is connected to a switching hub, it may not be able to connect to a
network when it is powering ON. This occurs because the spanning tree process,
performed between switching hubs, prevents them from communicating with each
other immediately after the machine connects to the network. A delay in the startup
time is necessary for the machine to connect to the network properly.
Subaddress Books
The main Address Book is subdivided into 10 smaller address books, which are
considered subaddress books.
A portion of a network, which may be a physically independent network segment, that
shares a network address with other portions of the network, and is distinguished by
a subnet number.
For example, all devices with IP addresses that start with 255.255.255. would be part
of the same subnet.