
Scan Batch to File (Saves scanned images to a specified file)
Scan Batch to File saves scanned images to a file or files with a name and type specified before scanning.
Scan Batch to File is performed by the following steps:
1 Click the button, or click Scan Batch to File in the Scan menu.
The Scan Batch to File dialog box appears.
2 Select the file name and file type to be created.
If the scanner is set to any scanning Mode other than 24-bit Color or 256-level Gray, you cannot save
scanned images in JPEG format. About File Types (P. 16)
3 Select Details of File Settings and set details for each type of file to save. File Type Settings
(P. 16)
4 Click the Scanner Setting button, and configure scan settings. Scan Condition Settings (P. 15)
You can configure batch separation settings from the scan conditon settings.