Starting Up the Viewer for PC
The Viewer for PC can be started up in two ways: From the Web browser that displayed the Web site
for distributing videos, or starting it up independently. Normally it is started up from the Web browser.
To create a Web page for distributing videos, refer to the User’s Manual provided on the CD-ROM
enclosed with the camera server package.
Starting Up from the Web Browser
Click the “Using Viewer for PC” or other buttons
on the Web browser that displayed the Web
site for distributing videos . The Viewer for PC
starts up and connects to the camera server.
Starting Up Independently
Double-click the icon created on the
Desktop. It can also be started up by
choosing it from the Start menu:
Start | Programs | WebView
Livescope | Viewer for PC.
No connection to the camera server
(→ p.29) is made when the Viewer
for PC is started up independently.