Network Connection
For details on how to check the following information, refer to the manual of your access point or router,
or contact its manufacturer.
Check the Information for Wireless Connection■
The following information is required to connect to your access point or router.
Check your access point or router for the following information, then write it down.
Access Point Name/Network Name:
Network Key:
* Also referred to as SSID.
* Also referred to as encryption key, WEP key or WPA/WPA2 passphrase, Pre-Shared key.
If your access point or router
supports WPS (Wi-Fi Protected
If you are using Windows Vista operating
system and have a USB ash drive, you
can congure wireless connection settings
by using the WCN (Windows Connect
Now) function as well. For details, refer
to "Wireless Setup Using WCN (Windows
Connect Now)" in "Reference Information"
on page 59.
A wireless connection can be set up easily
without checking the information to the
left. Go to "Wireless Setup Using WPS
(Wi-Fi Protected Setup)" on page 27.
An identier to identify the specic access point.
A password required to set to prevent unauthorized access to communication.
Wireless Setup
You can retrieve your network key by using the Canon PIXMA Wireless Setup Assistant or the instructions
which can be downloaded from the Canon support webpage (www.usa.canon.com/downloadlibrary).
If you are unable to retrieve the network key or other settings, refer to the manual of your access point or
router, or contact its manufacturer.