Protecting Images
You can protect important images so that they cannot be accidentally erased
with the camera (pp. 30, 120).
Choose :.
● Touch ø, then drag vertically up or
down the menu to the left to choose :.
XOnce it is set, will appear.
● To unlock an image, touch ø again,
then drag vertically up or down the screen
to choose :.
Using the Menu
Choose [Protect].
● Touch ø, then n to choose the
1 tab, and touch [Protect].
Choose a selection method.
● Touch a selection method.
● Touch Ú to return to the menu screen.
If you format the memory card (pp. 22, 51), protected images will also be
Protected images cannot be erased with the camera’s erase function. To
erase an image, cancel protection first.