The following shows the setting conditions that can be set in the
multistream settings.
To scan barcodes
Adding a barcode module (optional) to the scanner enables you to
scan document barcodes. Click the [Barcode] button on the [Others]
tab to configure barcode scanning conditions.
See Help for details about settings.
When you want to save a scanner driver setting
When you finish configuring a setting, click the [Save] button of [User
Preference] to save the setting.
The saved setting is registered to the list. You can delete a setting
from the list with the [Delete] button, and save or load a configuration
file with the [Back Up] or [Restore] button.
Tab Items that can be set
[Basic] tab
[Color mode] and [Dots per inch]
(excluding [Auto-detection] for both)
[Brightness] tab [Brightness] and [Contrast]
[Image processing] tab [Edge emphasis] and [Color drop-out]
[Feeding] Tab None (all disabled)
[Others] Tab None (only [Use MultiStream] is enabled)