AF area selection mode: Single-point Spot AF (manual selection), Single-point AF
(manual selection), AF point expansion (manual
selection: up, down, left, and right), AF point expansion
(manual selection: surround), Zone AF (manual
selection of zone), Large Zone AF (manual selection of
zone), 65-point automatic selection AF
AF point automatic
selection conditions:
Based on EOS iTR AF setting
(Enables AF incorporating human face/color information)
* iTR: Intelligent Tracking and Recognition
AF Configuration Tool: Case 1 - 6
AI Servo AF
Tracking sensitivity, Acceleration/deceleration tracking,
AF point auto switching
AF Custom Functions: 17 functions
AF fine adjustment: AF Microadjustment (All lenses by same amount or
Adjust by lens)
AF-assist beam: Small series of flashes fired by built-in flash
• Exposure Control
Metering modes: Approx. 150,000-pixel RGB+IR metering sensor and
252-zone TTL metering at max. aperture
EOS iSA (Intelligent Subject Analysis) system
• Evaluative metering (linked to all AF points)
• Partial metering (approx. 6% of viewfinder at center)
• Spot metering (approx. 1.8% of viewfinder at center)
• Center-weighted average metering
Brightness metering
EV 0 - 20 (at room temperature, ISO 100)
Exposure control: Program AE (Scene Intelligent Auto, Program), Shutter-
priority AE, Aperture-priority AE, Manual exposure, Bulb
ISO speed:
exposure index)
Scene Intelligent Auto: ISO 100 - ISO 6400 set
P, Tv, Av, M, B: Auto ISO, ISO 100 - ISO 16000 (in 1/3- or
whole-stop increments), or ISO expansion to H1 (equivalent
to ISO 25600) or H2 (equivalent to ISO 51200)
ISO speed settings: ISO speed range, Auto ISO range, and Auto ISO
minimum shutter speed settable
Manual: ±5 stops in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments
AEB: ±3 stops in 1/3- or 1/2-stop increments (can be
combined with manual exposure