A Shooting with the LCD Monitor
The histogram can be displayed when [z5: Expo. simulation: Enable]
(p.296) is set.
You can display the electronic level by pressing the <B> button
(p.75). Note that if the AF method is set to [u+Tracking] or the camera
is connected to a TV set with an HDMI cable, the electronic level cannot
be displayed.
When <g> is displayed in white, it indicates that the Live View image
brightness is close to what the captured image will look like.
If <g> is blinking, it indicates that the Live View image is displayed at
a brightness that differs from the actual shooting result because of low-
or bright-light conditions. However, the actual image recorded will reflect
the exposure setting. Note that the noise may be more noticeable than
the actual image recorded.
If Multi Shot Noise Reduction, bulb exposure, or flash is used, the
<g> icon and histogram will be grayed out (for your reference). The
histogram may not be properly displayed in low- or bright-light
Do not hold the camera in the same position for long periods of time.
Even if the camera does not feel too hot, prolonged contact with the same
body part may cause skin redness, blistering or low-temperature contact
burns. Using a tripod is recommended for people with circulation problems
or very sensitive skin, or when using the camera in very hot places.