To allow automatic tracking of celestial objects,
Celestron offers several motor drives. All models
include a hand controller, which makes observ-
ing more fun as it makes centering objects
much easier. In addition, the hand controller
can be used as a drive corrector for long expo-
sure celestial photography.
Economy Models
These models are single axis (R.A.), DC motor
drives. They are powered by four D-cell batteries
(not included). 2x and 4x sidereal speeds are
available through the included hand controller.
Model #93515 — MDCG-3 (for Firstscope 80s and 114s)
Model #93517 — MDCG-4 (for CG-4 mounts)
Model #93518 — MDCG-5 (for CG-5 mounts)
Deluxe Model — Polaris Motor Drive System – #93820-C
This dual axis motor drive, with drive corrector capabilities, is designed for
Celestron’s CG-5 and GP mounts. It precisely controls the telescope’s
tracking speed during long, timed exposures of celestial objects, producing
the best possible image sharpness. Precision drive correctors are a must for
those with a serious interest in astrophotography or
CCD imaging. Three speeds are available — (1x)
sidereal, 1.3x for guiding and 6x for centering.
This precision, state-of-the-art DC motor drive
operates on a 9 volt battery (not included). The hand
controller module is very compact and fits easily in
the palm of your hand. Motors for both axes are
included, along with brackets, clutches and hard-
ware. Made in the USA.
Declination Motors
Celestron’s Declination Motor attaches to your
telescope’s manual declination control to offer
smooth, vibration-free control in declination.
Run by the telescope’s power supply, it plugs
directly into the drive base and is controlled by
two buttons, for north and south declination
movement. Highly useful for observing, and a
must for astrophotography.
DEC Motor for C5
DEC Motor for Celestar 8, Ultima 9
& 11