
Print Server Management and Configuration
AXIS 1650 User’s Manual 51
print server.
Default = <blank>
Scope ID Specify the NetBIOS scope to which the print server belongs. The scope ID
is a character string value that is appended to the NetBIOS name and used
for all NBT communication. The scope ID defines a group of computers
that recognizes a registered NetBIOS name and all NetBIOS traffic will be
confined within this group.
Default value = <empty> which specifies the default scope.
SNTP Server Address Specify the Time server’s IP address or network name.
Default = <blank>
SNTP Update Interval The interval between requests to the Time Server for a time update.
Default = 1hours
Time Zone Specify the time zone for your print server location. Note: This setting is
only visible in the English firmware version.
Default = GMT
Daylight Saving Set to Yes if you have Daylight saving. Note: This setting is only visible in
the English firmware version.
Default = No
SLP Enabled Set to Yes to enable SLP communication to and from the print server.
Default = Yes
SLP Scope List Specify the name of the SLP scope to which the print server belongs. The
scope refers to a set of computers on a network that have been assigned a
scope name.
Default = DEFAULT
Unicast Communications
Set to Yes to enable the Unicast Communications Mode.
Note that this setting only appears when you are using a CAPT capable
printer. See “Enabling Unicast Network Communication” on page 64 for
additional information.
Default = No