
The rotate button to the right
of the preview area.
Rotate/Flip Dialog
Click the [Image] menu and
select [Rotate...].
Sample Display Area
Rotate Icon (Right 90°)
Rotate Icon (Left 90°)
Flip Vertically Icon
Flip Horizontally Icon
Place a check mark in this box to override
the rotate or flip setting in this dialog
when the image is scanned.
Rotating the Image to Change Its Orientation
The preview image can be rotated in 90° increments or flipped vertically or
horizontally. This can be used to correctly orient images that were shot with the
camera held sideways or images that were incorrectly oriented in the scanner
when scanned.
Rotate/Flip Dialog
Click a rotate or flip icon to change the sample thumbnail in the dialog to the
desired orientation.
Shorten the time required for scanning by placing a check mark in the [No
rotate/flip at final image] box.