9. Additional Features 127
Select images for transferring.
Single Images
zSelect an images using the
W or X arrow and mark or
remove marks from images
using the S or T arrow. A
check mark (3
3) appears on
the marked image.
zYou can use the same procedures to select
images in index playback (3 images). Turn the
zoom lever toward to switch between single
image playback and index playback.
All the Images on a CF Card
zTurn the zoom lever
toward to switch to
index playback (3 images).
zPress the SET button and
select [Mark all] using the
S or T arrow, then press the SET button again
to select all the images.
zIf you select [Clear all] instead or [Mark all], you
cam remove marks from all the images.
zYou can select images using the W or X arrow
and change the settings using the S or T
arrow after [Mark all] or [Clear all] has been
Press the MENU button.
The selection mode will turn off and the Transfer
Order menu will reappear.
Images are transferred in order from oldest to
newest by the shooting date.
A maximum of 998 images can be marked per
CF card.