
Try Scanning
6 Click [Scan].
The final scan will start.
7 Click or (close box) in the ScanGear CS
window to close it.
The scanned image will appear in the PhotoStudio window.
8 Save the scanned image.
Click the [File] menu and select [Save As]. Select the folder
where you wish to store the image file, enter a file name,
select a file type (JPG format is recommended) and click [Save].
9 Click or (close box) in the PhotoStudio
window to close it.
• If the scanner does not perform as described above, read the "Troubleshooting" section
of the Scanning Guide.
• For details about the bundled software, read the Scanning Guide or the User’s Guide
(PDF format manual) for each software program on the CanoScan Setup Utility CD-ROM.