z The distance shown with the MF indicator (p. 114, 115) does not
change even if you change the [Converter] setting from [None].
z The camera does not enter Macro mode when [Converter] is set
to any setting other than [None]. If the camera is currently in
Macro mode, Macro mode will be canceled when [Converter] is
set to another setting than [None].
z Please note that the images will not merge properly with the
PhotoStitch program on a computer when they are shot in
mode with a conversion or close-up lens.
z To protect the conversion lens, hold the camera’s lens with one
hand and screw the conversion lens onto the camera with the
other hand.
z Completely remove all dust and dirt from conversion lenses with
a lens blower brush before use. The camera may focus on any
dirt that remains.
z Be careful when handling the lenses so as not to get fingerprints
on them.