To select the angle unit [3] Deg, [4] Rad or [5] Gra
[3] Deg: Angle unit in Degree
[4] Rad: Angle unit in Radian
[5] Gra: Angle unit in Gradient
90º = radians = 100grads
To select display digit or notation [6] Fix, [7] Sci or
[8] Norm
[6] Fix: Fixed Decimal, [Fix 0~9?] appears, specify the
number of decimal places by pressing [0] – [9].
Example: 220 ÷ 7 = 31.4286 (FIX 4)
= 31.43 (FIX 2)
[7] Sci: Scientific Notation, [Sci 0~9?] appears, specify
the number of significant digits by pressing [0] – [9].
Example: 220 ÷ 7 = 3.1429x10
(SCI 5)
= 3.143x10
(SCI 4)
[8] Norm: Exponential Notation, [Norm 1~2?] appears,
specify the exponential notation format by pressing [1]
or [2].
Norm 1: Exponential notation is automatically used for
integer values with more than 10 digits and decimal
values with more than TWO decimal points.
Norm 2: Exponential notation is automatically used for
integer values with more than 10 digits and decimal
values with more than NINE decimal places.
Example: 1 ÷ 1000 = 1x10
(Norm 1)
= 0.001 (Norm 2)
To select the fraction format [1] a b/c or [2] d/c
[1] a b/c: specify Mixed fraction display
[2] d/c: specify Improper fraction display
To select the complex number display format [3]
CLPX ([1] a+bi or [2] r< )
[1] a+bi: specify Rectangular Coordinates
[2] r< : specify Polar Coordinates