The A490/495 camera doesn’t have a standard eyepiece, but underwater photographers and outdoor
photographers will appreciate the large LCD viewing monitor for composing photographs. The LCD monitor
allows you to see your subject in sharp focus and framed properly. Hold the camera housing in your
outstretched arm at a position that is both comfortable and also allows you to easily see the LCD monitor,
for best compositional options.
Once you have composed your scene or subject in the LCD monitor, depress the shutter release button to
take the picture. A half depress will activate the live viewing ability of the LCD and allow the camera to
focus, once in focus and ready to shoot a green light will appear on the LCD monitor and the camera is
ready to take the picture. Press down the shutter all the way to complete the image capture. You may
notice a pre-flash and slight delay in the shutter release. This is to allow the camera to make its final focus
and exposure calculations before taking the picture. With a little practice, you will become used to this and
taking pictures of moving subjects will become easier and natural.
There are several image file options to choose from that offer different resolutions and file sizes. This
determination must be made prior to camera insertion from Menu options. Please refer to the camera
instruction manual for details on setting these preferences.