Photos 95
Histogram Display
In single photo view, you can display the histogram and the icons of all
the functions used at the time of recording. Use the histogram as a ref-
erence to verify the correct exposure of the photo.
The area to the right of the histogram
represents highlights and the left side
represents shadows. A photo whose
histogram skews to the right is rela-
tively bright; while one whose histo-
gram peaks to the left, is relatively
Capturing Photos from a Movie
You can capture a single photo from a previously recorded scene. The
size of the captured photo will be [LW 1920x1080] and it cannot be
changed, but you can select the photo quality.
•Please read the IMPORTANT section ( 96) before using an Eye-Fi
To select the photo capture settings
* The number displayed at the bottom indicates the approximate number of photos
that can be recorded with the current quality setting.
To capture the photo
1 Play back the scene from which you want to capture a photo.
Operating modes:
Pixel Count
Operating modes:
[ Menu] [Photo Capture Quality]
Desired photo quality*