178 Additional Information
WD-H58 Wide-converter
This Wide-converter lens decreases focal
length by a factor of 0.7, giving you a
wide perspective for indoor shots or pan-
oramic views.
• When the Wide-converter is attached,
a shadow may appear in the picture
when you use the flash.
Protect Filter 58 mm, ND4L Filter
58 mm
Neutral density and MC protector filters
help you to control difficult lighting condi-
SC-2000 Soft Carrying Case
A handy camcorder bag with padded
compartments and plenty of space for
DM-100 Directional Stereo
This highly sensitive, super-directional
microphone attaches to the camcorder’s
mini advanced shoe. It can be used as
directional microphone (monaural) or
stereo microphone.
VL-5 Video Light
This video light enables you to record
brightly in color even in dark places. It
attaches to the camcorder’s mini
advanced shoe for cable-free operation.