INON D-180 Manual
Version 1. October 4, 2003
Copyright 2002, 2003 by INON America, Inc. All rights reserved.
b) If above step does not fully clean the terminal, dap a small amount of silver polish on a
cotton swab (or similar) and wipe terminal surface until fully clean. Then clean off any
silver polish residue with a clean swab.
Note: When cleaning, be careful not to let any alcohol or silver polish contact any plastic or
vinyl parts.
Caution: When handling batteries always follow the handling precautions listed on page
Caution: Whenever installing batteries always turn Main Mode Switch to OFF.
Post-dive care
1) After using strobe underwater, first rinse and then soak in fresh water,
for several hours if possible, to dissolve any salt build-up. The water
temperature should be no higher than 30C (86F) degrees. Do not
immerse the strobe into hot water.
2) When soaking in fresh water, slowly manipulate the controls to work
out any salt or sand trapped in the gaps.
3) Take care to rinse especially well the Optical Sensor. If salt is allowed to buildup, it may
cause the clear resin portion to become hazy and prevent light from reaching the sensor.
However, do not scrub the sensor with anything abrasive that could scratch the sensor surface.
4) After soaking, do not leave in direct sunlight. First, thoroughly towel dry and remove the
batteries. Then place in shaded, well ventilated area. In areas of high relative humidity it
may take several days for moisture in the small gaps and recesses of the strobe to completely
dry. Never apply flame or direct heat to the strobe.
5) After completely dry, inspect the O-ring, O-ring groove and O-ring contact surfaces, and
maintain / grease-up as necessary.
Caution: If the strobe exterior needs cleaning, do not use alcohol, benzene or solvent based
cleaning solutions. Also, never use alkali cleaning agents or other chemicals as these will
degrade the plastic body. Use a mild well diluted (neutral) detergent if exterior cleaning
absolutely necessary.
The D-180 is designed and manufactured for use in severe conditions. Before shipping, all
strobes are pressure tested in water and fully checked for proper function. To ensure your D-180
maintains optimum performance, in addition to the pre and post dive handling recommendations,
maintenance procedures, and recommended storage conditions, it is also necessary that the strobe
receive periodic overhaul at Inon, or an Inon authorized service facility.