Print Quality
Selects your desired printing quality.
Select one of the following to set the print quality level that is appropriate for the purpose.
Gives priority to print quality over printing speed.
Prints with average speed and quality.
Paper Source
Select the source from which paper is supplied.
Cassette (Auto Select)
Based on the paper settings on the printer driver and the cassette paper information registered on
the printer, the printer automatically determines which cassette to use and feeds paper from that
Cassette 1
Paper is fed from the cassette 1.
Cassette 2
Paper is fed from the cassette 2.
• Depending on the media type and size, the Paper Source settings that can be selected may differ.
Specifies the number of copies you want to print. You can specify a value from 1 to 999.
• When the application software that you used to create the document has the same function,
specify the settings on the printer driver. However, if the print results are not acceptable, specify
the function settings on the application software.
Always Print with Current Settings
Prints documents with the current settings starting from the next print execution.
When you select this function and then close the printer driver setup window, the information that you
set on the Quick Setup, Main, and Page Setup tabs are saved and printing with the same settings is
possible starting from the next print execution.
• If you log on with a different user name, the settings that were set when this function was enabled
are not reflected in the print settings.
• If a setting was specified on the application software, it has priority.
Restores all the settings you have changed to their default values.
Click this button to return all settings on the Quick Setup, Main, and Page Setup tabs to their default
values (factory settings).
Save Commonly Used Settings dialog box
This dialog box allows you to save the information that you set on the Quick Setup, Main, and Page
Setup tabs and add the information to the Commonly Used Settings list on the Quick Setup tab.