Select this to add printers to be used in the Canon Inkjet Cloud Printing Center.
You need a Printer registration ID to add a printer.
• Although the number of printers that can be registered for one domain is not limited, only up to
16 printers are guaranteed to operate.
Manage users screen
From the
Manage users screen, you can check user information registered to the Canon Inkjet Cloud
Printing Center, delete users, add users, and change the Administrator and Standard user settings.
• User deletion
Select the check box of the user to be deleted, and select Delete.
However, you cannot delete yourself. To delete yourself, cancel your membership from the My
account screen.
Adding a user
Select Add user. The user registration screen appears.
Changing Administrator and Standard user settings
To change the privileges of the Administrator or a Standard user, select Authority for the user
whom you want to change the settings for.