14-12 Troubleshooting Chapter 14
Message code Cause Action
MEMORY FULL # 037 The memory of the Print out any documents that
MultiPASS 1000 is full are stored in memory. Then
because it has received start the operation again. See
too many documents. page 7-7 for details.
The memory is full Divide the documents and
because you tried to send each part separately.
send too many See page 5-10 for details.
pages at once.
MULTI TRANSACTION Your MultiPASS 1000 If you want the MultiPASS
ON is sending to more than 1000 to continue, do nothing.
one location. If you want to stop sending,
press STOP.
NO CONFID. TX # 033 You cannot send a Have the other party use a
confidential document Canon fax that has the
because the other confidential receiving
party’s fax does not feature.
have confidential
receiving capability.
# 034 The confidential box Contact the other party to
number you specified obtain the correct confidential
does not exist in the box number.
other party’s fax.
The memory of the Contact the other party and
other fax is full. have them print out the
documents already stored in
the memory of their fax so
you can send your document.
NO ORIGINAL # 035 You cannot relay Have the other party use a
RELAY TX documents because the Canon fax that has relay
other party’s fax does capability.
not have relay capability.
# 036 The other party did not Contact the other party and
set their fax to operate have them make the
as a relay fax. appropriate settings in
their fax.
You have specified Contact the other party to
the wrong relay group obtain the correct relay group
number. number.
The memory of the Contact the other party and
other fax is full. have them print out the
documents already stored in
the memory of their fax so
you can send your document.