WP=0024 CDIN(LG=001 PB=000) MSD(015)
PAGE(All=00083 PP=00035 HR+MP=00003 PR+SP+SG =00000 GP =00000 PC=00000 EV=00000)
UCPAGE(All=00083 PP=00035 HR+MP=00003 PR+SP+SG =00000 GP =00000 PC=00000 EV=00000)
BPPAGE(All=00083 BSSP=00003 PC=00000)
CDPAGE(All=000) EDGE=00083 L=00000 CDR=00000
CDRP=(-00005,-00029) CDRS=(000) LM=(ASF_R:00 UT_F:00 UT_R:00)
Head TempBK=18.5 Head TempC=17.5 Env Temp=30.0 FF(3F 3F 3F)
V0001 SN=0318-A43D
LN(00000 00000 00001 00003 00001 00000 00000) ID=00
IL=(PBK=000 BK=000 Y=001 M=001 M2=001 C=000 C2=001)
Printed items:
1. Model name 2. ROM version 3. Connected I/F (USB2) 4. Waste ink amount 5. Installation date
6. Operator call/service call error record 7. Last printing time
8. Purging count (manual/deep cleaning/timer/dot count/ink tank replacement)
9. Cleaning time (BK/CL)
10. Print head replacement count 11. Ink tank replacement count (PBK/BK/Y/M/C) 12. Ink status
13. Power-on count (soft) 14. Automatic print head alignment by user 15. Manual print head alignment by user
16. User print head alignment values (BKoe/Coe/Moe/SCoe/SMoe/PBKoe/CLbi/SCLbi/C-SC/M-SM/BK-
17. Wiping count 18. Camera Direct Print-supported device connection record 19. Longest period where printing
20. ASF feed pages (total, plain paper, High Resolution Paper & Matte Photo Paper, Photo Paper Pro & Photo Paper
Plus Glossy & Photo Paper Plus Semi-gloss, Glossy Photo Paper, Postcard, Envelope)
21. U-turn cassette feed pages (total, plain paper, High Resolution Paper & Matte Photo Paper, Photo Paper Pro &
Photo Paper Plus Glossy & Photo Paper Plus Semi-gloss, Glossy Photo Paper, postcard, envelope)
22. Auto duplex print pages (total, Photo Paper Plus Double Sided, postcard)
23. Camera Direct print pages (total) 24. Borderless print pages 25. L & 4x6 print pages
26. Number of CDs and
DVDs printed
27. CD / DVD print position adjustment 28. CD / DVD sensor correction value 29. Left margin correction value
(ASF back side, U-turn front side, U-turn back side)
30. Print head temperature (BK/CL) 31. Inside temperature 32. Line inspection information
33. Version 34. Serial number
35. Lot number 36. Print head ID
37. Ink ejection level (PBK, BK, Y, M, M2, C, C2)
To the top
<Part 1: 3. REPAIR, 3-4>