
Image rotation and trimming
An optional Framing Kit allows original film images to be trimmed down to
print out only the necessary part of images.
Add-on messages
To increase efficiency of print management, messages of up to 33 characters
can be added to printouts. Plus time and date specific details.
Clean printouts
Both the MS400 and MS500 provide border erasure and optional trimming
function to eliminate unnecessary sections of images. This saves print costs
by reducing toner usage and assures clean printouts.
FS Controller III
Canon’s optional FS Controller III is the perfect partner for the MS400 or
the MS500. Offering fingertip access with an easy-to-read 16-digit ‘interactive’
keyboard. Fully automatic search and retrieval features. Plus advanced
memory-printing features. For unparalleled efficiency and productivity
in microfilm management.
Date Message Image address
Framing Kit