● If Sensitivity is set at a low level, the device does not recognize the motion even
during great variations in the image inside the motion detection area frame. Also, if
the area ratio and duration of the motion in the part of the image where motion
occurred in the area frame do not reach the set values, the device does not perform
detection and the specified actions such as picture recording are not performed.
● You can select a setting area by clicking the motion detection area frame in the
Viewer you want to specify. The selected motion detection area frame is displayed
as a blue frame.
● If you set the setting area to “Not specified”, the results of detection in all the
motion detection areas you have created are displayed in each area frame. Also,
even if you click an area which does not fall within any of the motion detection area
frames in the Viewer, the setting area is set as “Not specified”.
Schedule Setting Tool
r “Auto” button
The “Auto” button sets sensitivity automatically. For several seconds after clicking the “Auto” button, the
VB-C50i/VB-C50iR assumes that there is no motion in the image in the motion detection area and,
based on this information, sets the camera at optimum sensitivity. Set when there is no motion.
t Detection indicator
Displays the area ratio of motion detected by the device in real time in the form of a graph (→ P.4-50).
y Area Ratio
When the proportion of the area in which the device has detected motion (displayed in a red or yellow
rectangle) has exceeded the specified value for the area of the selected detection area frame (blue
frame), the device detects motion and performs the specified picture recording etc. (However, even if
the area ratio value is exceeded, the device does not detect motion unless the number of seconds
specified in Duration has passed). Set within a range of 0-100%, by either entering a numeric value or
by dragging the slide bar.
u Duration
When the situation where the motion has exceeded the area ratio continuous for more than the duration
time, the device detects motion and performs picture recording etc. Set within a range of 0-5 seconds,
by either entering a numeric value or by dragging the slide bar.
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