V420 Could not start intelligent service [crit]
V421 Intelligent service error [crit]
๎ Application (Memory Card) Messages
M001 Starting and stopping of memory card control
module [info]
M203 Not enough space on memory card [warning]
M204 Invalid file removed [warning]
M301 Memory card control module error [err]
Application (Camera) Messages
C001 Starting and stopping of camera control module
C002 Camera application started [info]
C201 Day/Night mode switching warning [warning]
C211 Camera control command overflow [warning]
๎ HTTP Server Messages
H143 User name specification error [notice]
H144 Password specification error [notice]
Description intelligent initialization error [%1] [%2] .
%1 Error number
%2 Cause of error
Meaning Failed to initialize intelligent service.
If the problem persists after rebooting, the
camera is faulty. Arrange for servicing.
Description intelligent working error [%1] [%2] . (V421)
%1 Error number
%2 Cause of error
Meaning An error that does not permit recovery
occurred while intelligent service was
If the problem persists after rebooting, the
camera is faulty. Arrange for servicing.
Description %1 sdctrl (M001)
%1 Starting or stopping
Meaning The memory card control module (sdctrl)
has started or stopped.
Description There is not available space (M203)
Meaning Insufficient memory card capacity.
Description Invalid file %1 was removed. (M204)
%1 Name of removed file
Meaning An invalid file was removed.
Description %1 process failure (M301)
%1 mount or unmount
Meaning Mount or unmount process failed.
Description %1 camerad (C001)
%1 starting | stopping
Meaning The camera control module started/
Description starting cameraappl (C002)
Meaning The camera application started.
Description Canโt switch Day/Night mode, because
current mode is Auto. (C201)
Meaning Could not switch day/night mode.
Set Day/Night mode manually.
Description command queue overflowed (C211)
Meaning The camera control command queue
overflowed, and some commands were
Allow a longer interval (200 ms) for sending
the camera control command.
Description (http_auth.c.XXX) get_password failed,
IP:%1 (H143)
%1 IP address
Meaning An unknown user was specified in user
Description (http_auth.c.XXX) password doesn't match
for %1 username%2, IP:%3 (H144)
%1 URL XSS vulnerability countermeasure
implementation (process equivalent to ftpd)
%2 User Name
%3 IP address
Meaning A wrong password was specified in user