Movie must be less than X min.
- You attempted to send a movie whose length exceeds the maxi-
mum length allowed by the Web service (the maximum length dif-
fers according to the Web service). Shorten the movie and try
sending it again.
Server busy Try again later
- The CANON iMAGE GATEWAY server is busy due to a high num-
ber of users trying to connect to the server. End the Wi-Fi connec-
tion and try again later.
This image cannot be sent
- You attempted to send a type of recording or a file with a size that
is not supported by the selected Web service. Check the record-
ing before sending.
Try again
-There was a problem in the communication with the CANON
iMAGE GATEWAY server or the server is temporarily down. Try
connecting the camcorder to the server again. If the same error
occurs, wait a while and try again.
Unable to connect to the server
- The camcorder was not able to connect to the CANON iMAGE
GATEWAY server. Connect the access point to which the cam-
corder is connected to the Internet.