Fails to connect to Storage Servers when switching to the Configuration and
Preferences screen.
Situation You have attempted to switch to the Configuration and Preferences screen
and an error message appears stating a failure to connect to a particular
Storage Server (name), although it can still connect to the Master Storage
Solution Check whether the specified Storage Server works properly. A network error
may have caused this situation.
Configuration Problems
Cannot switch to the Configuration and Preferences screen.
Situation You have attempted to switch from the Viewing Screen to the Configuration
and Preferences screen and an error message appears.
Solution Only Administrators can access the Configuration and Preferences screen.
Check whether you have Administrator privileges.
Camera Servers are not displayed in the Camera Summary window.
Situation In the list of Camera Servers on the Camera Summary window, some of the
Camera Servers are not displayed.
Solution Only Camera Servers associated with the item selected on the Storage
Server tab or the Locations/Zones tab will be shown in the list. Also, if you
have the Storage Server tab displayed, Camera Servers configured as Do
not Record will not be shown.
Upgrade Problems
Software cannot be upgraded to v2.0.
Situation When you try to upgrade the software from v1.1, 1.2 or v1.3 to v2.0 after
upgrading your OS to Windows Vista, the Storage Server does not stop and
installation cannot be completed.
Solution Follow the procedure below:
1. Right click on the Storage Server Configuration icon on the desktop, then
choose Properties.
2. Click the Compatibility tab and check the Run this program as an
administrator check box.
3. Double click the Storage Server Configuration icon to start the Storage
Server Configuration tool.
4. Click the Stop Storage Server button in the Storage server status field.
5. Click the Retry button on the installer wizard for VK version 2.0.
VK Troubleshooting