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Light Source Light Source
2. By default, the coaxial lighting is supported by 8 LEDs. Switching to W+F will turn on all 8 LEDs, while W or F only
turns on 4 LEDs. By special order, the coaxial lighting can be equipped with 4 white-light LEDs and 4 Functional
Illumination LEDs.
There are two different light sources provided by the objective lens of X-Loupe
G Series: coaxial lighting (MAIN) and low-angled lighting (SUB). The coaxial
lighting, located on the inner circle, is the direct-projection light coming out
from 8 LEDs; whereas the low-angled lighting, located on the outer circle, is the
lower-angled projection light coming out from the other 8 LEDs. The brightness
indexes of both lighting are adjustable from zero to 5. The factory default
setting of both lighting are ON and brightness index are set to 5.
In conventional micro-photography, taking a good picture is so difficult that most
users have to be content with pictures of less-than-expected quality. G Series
change the situation. Equipped with 2 different light sources (coaxial lighting and
low-angled lighting), G Series provide more than 10 different lighting options. The
flexible lighting options provide the capability to capture high-quality pictures for
various and changeful subjects. Please refer to the following operation steps.
Tune Button
Adjust the brightness index of lighting by tuning the button up and
down. By pressing the Tune Button, the brightness index becomes
`3´. The quadrant setting of Low-Angled Lighting (SUB) is also
controlled by the Tune Button when switch to Quadrant Setting of
Low-Angled Lighting ⊕. By pressing the Tune Button, the light of
upper left and right quadrants turns on.
Switch Button for Coaxial Lighting
There are 3 kinds of light sources: W (White), F( Functional Illumina-
tion), and W+F (White + Functional Illumination).1
When the coaxial lighting is switched to W (White), `W´ is shown
on the LCD monitor; whereas `F´ is shown when switching to F (
Functional Illumination).1
Switch Button for Lighting Setting
【●】Coaxial Lighting (MAIN)
【○】Low-Angled Lighting (SUB)
【⊕】Quadrant Setting of Low-Angled Lighting (SUB)
1. F (Functional Illumination) is optional and for the special order only, such as Ultraviolet Light. Unless otherwise
mentioned, each objective lens is equipped with white-colored LED by default.
(1) Turn ON coaxial lighting; Turn OFF low-angled lighting.
Switch to Quadrant
Setting of
Low-Angled Lighting
Turn off ligh of all
Switch to Coaxial
Lighting (MAIN)
Tune the brightness
index as desired
( 1 ~ 5)
(Check LCD monitor)
To switch between 4 and
8 LEDs.2
Switch Button for
Lighting Setting
Tune Button
Switch Button for
Lighting Setting
Tune Button
Switch Button for
Coaxial Lighting
1 2 3 4 5Steps
The picture shown here is lighting
with 4 white-light LEDs.