Table of contents
Introduction ................................................................... 5
■ To first-time users of Photo Loader ....................................... 5
■ Features of Photo Loader ....................................................... 5
Automatically loads recorded images from a digital camera or
memory card. .......................................................................... 5
Handling high-volume image data as a library ........................... 6
Automatically creates an HTML file in which recorded images
can be searched in calendar format. ....................................... 6
■ New functions of Photo Loader 2.1 ........................................ 6
■ Continuing use of Photo Loader 1.0/1.1/2.0 library .............. 6
■ How to read this instruction manual ...................................... 7
Operation conventions ............................................................... 7
Display screens .......................................................................... 7
Starting Photo Loader .................................................. 8
■ Checking communication status between digital camera
and Photo Loader (for RS-232C connection) ........................ 9
Using Photo Loader .................................................... 11
■ Loading an image .................................................................. 11
Loading an image automatically .............................................. 11
Setting up automatic loading .................................................... 12
Loading an Image Manually (for Card/USB connection) .......... 18
Loading an Image Manually (for RS-232C connection) ........... 20
Loading images other than those recorded
by digital cameras .................................................................. 23
Handling image loading errors
(for “Sort by recording date (
R)”) ........................................... 26
■ Viewing a library .................................................................... 28
Viewing a library from Photo Loader ........................................ 28
Retouching and Printing Images/Attaching with E-mail ........... 31