Operation Guide 3408
To toggle between 12-hour and 24-hour timekeeping
In the Timekeeping Mode, press D to toggle between 12-hour timekeeping and 24-
hour timekeeping.
• With the 12-hour format, the P (PM) indicator appears to the left of the hour digits for
times in the range of noon to 11:59 p.m. and the A (AM) indicator appears to the left
of the hour digits for times in the range of midnight to 11:59 a.m.
• With the 24-hour format, times are displayed in the range of 0:00 to 23:59, without
any indicator.
• The 12-hour/24-hour timekeeping format you select in the Timekeeping Mode is
applied in all other modes.
• The A and P indicators are not displayed with the Timekeeping Mode time on the
Countdown Timer Mode and Dual Time Mode screens.
Daylight Saving Time (DST) Setting
Daylight Saving Time (summer time) advances the time setting by one hour from
Standard Time. Remember that not all countries or even local areas use Daylight
Saving Time.
To toggle the Timekeeping Mode between DST and Standard Time
1.In the Timekeeping Mode, hold down A until the
seconds start to flash, which indicates the setting
2. Press C once and the DST setting screen appears.
3. Press D to toggle between Daylight Saving Time (ON
displayed) and Standard Time (OF displayed).
4. Press A to exit the setting screen.
• The DST indicator appears on the Timekeeping and
Alarm Mode screens to indicate that Daylight Saving
Time is turned on.
DST indicator
On/Off status
The stopwatch lets you measure elapsed time, lap times,
split times, and two finishes. Lap times and split times can
be stored in memory.
• The display range of the stopwatch is 99 hours,
59 minutes, 59 seconds.
• All of the operations in this section are performed in the
Stopwatch Mode, which you enter by pressing C (page
• “Lap time” is the time spent to cover a specific segment
of a race, such as one lap around a track. “Split time” is
the time spent from the beginning of a race up to a
certain point.
• The stopwatch continues to run, restarting from zero
after it reaches its limit, until you stop it.
free records
• The stopwatch measurement operation continues even if you exit the Stopwatch
• For information about how stopwatch times are stored in memory, see “Memory
Management” (page E-19).
Viewing the Stopwatch Displays
The information that appears in the watch’s upper and lower displays depends on
whether you are measuring lap times or split times.
Lap Time Measurement
Upper Display: Lap time
Lower Display: Elapsed time
Split Time Measurement
Upper Display: Lap time
Lower Display: Elapsed time (Split time appears here for eight seconds as it is stored
in memory.)
• See “To measure elapsed time with lap times” (page E-15) and “To measure elapsed
time with split times” (page E-17) for more information about each type of measurement.
• You can perform elapsed time measurement starting from either the lap time screen
or the split time screen (pages E-15 and E-17). Whenever you enter the Stopwatch
Mode, the screen (lap time or split time) that was displayed when you last exited the
mode will appear first.
• During a stopwatch elapsed time operation, the upper display initially shows
minutes, seconds, and a 1/100-second value. This changes to hours, minutes, and
seconds when the time in the upper display exceeds 60 minutes.
• The lower display initially shows hours, minutes, seconds, and a 1/100-second
value. This changes to hours, minutes, and seconds when the time in the lower
display exceeds 10 hours.
More than 10 hours
More than one hour
1/100 second
1/100 second
To measure elapsed time
• You can perform the following steps starting from either the lap time screen or the
split time screen.
1. Press D to start the stopwatch.
2. Press D again to stop the stopwatch.
• You can resume the measurement operation by pressing D.
3. Press B to clear the stopwatch to all zeros.
To measure elapsed time with lap times
When the stopwatch display shows all zeros, press
to display the lap time screen (indicated by LAP/ ).
2.Press D to start an elapsed time measurement.
• At the time, both the upper and lower displays will
show identical times.
3.Press B to record the time of the first lap.
• This freezes the current lap time in the upper part of
the display for about eight seconds, while
measurement of total elapsed time and the next lap
time continue internally. The lap number of the
displayed time appears in the lower display.
• After eight seconds, the ongoing elapsed time
measurement re-appears in the lower display.
4.Repeat step 3 to record more lap times.
5.Press D to stop the stopwatch.
6.Press B to clear the stopwatch to all zeros.
• Lap numbers are incremented automatically starting
from 1 whenever you press B in step 3 of the above
procedure. The maximum lap number is 99. Recording
a lap after that causes the lap number count to restart
from 00.
Lap number
Elapsed time
Lap time
Lap time
To measure elapsed time with split times
1.When the stopwatch display shows all zeros, press B
to display the split time screen (indicated by SPL/
2.Press D to start an elapsed time measurement.
• At the time, both the upper and lower displays will
show identical times.
3.Press B to record the time of the first split.
• The current split time appears in the lower display for
about eight seconds, as the total elapsed time, next
lap time, and next split time continue to be timed
internally by the watch. The split number of the
displayed time appears in the upper display.
• After eight seconds, the ongoing lap time
measurement appears in the upper display and the
ongoing elapsed time measurement appears in the
lower display.
4.Repeat step 3 to record more split times.
5.Press D to stop the stopwatch.
6.Press B to clear the stopwatch to all zeros.
Split time
Split number
Split Time Recording
(Displayed for eight seconds
after B is pressed.)
Lap time
Elapsed time
• Split numbers are incremented automatically starting from 1 whenever you press B
in step 3 of the above procedure. The maximum split number is 99. Recording a split
time after that causes the split number count to restart from 00.
To time first and second place finishes
1. When the stopwatch display shows all zeros, press B to display the split time
screen (indicated by SPL/
2. Press D to start a time measurement.
3. Press B when the first finisher crosses the finish line.
• This freezes the time of the first finisher in the lower part of the display for about
eight seconds. After that, the display returns to elapsed time measurement.
4. Press D when the second finisher crosses the finish line.
• The second finisher’s time will appear in the lower display.
• The difference between the first finisher’s and the second finisher’s time will
appear in the upper display.
5. Press B to clear the stopwatch to all zeros.
Memory Management
A new log is created each time you press D in the Stopwatch Mode to start a new
elapsed time measurement operation. A log contains a log title screen, and records of
all the lap or split times you record during the current elapsed time measurement
• The capacity of the watch’s memory is 60 records.
• If you are adding records to the only log in memory and watch memory becomes
full, adding another record causes the oldest record in the log to be deleted
automatically to make room for the new record.
• If you are adding records to a log when there are multiple logs in memory and watch
memory becomes full, adding another record causes the oldest log in memory and
all of its records to be deleted automatically to make room for new records.