Turbomachinery Package Specification Taurus 70 Compressor Set and Mechanical Drive
13 Air Inlet System
13.1 General Description
The gas turbine combustion process requires a steady and consistent flow of clean air.
Proper gas turbine inlet air filtration is critical to gas turbine life. Careful consideration
should be given to selecting the appropriate air filtration system. Solar offers several air
filtration systems that conform to a broad range of operating requirements. For
unenclosed packages, the turbine air inlet can be mounted on the right-hand or left-hand
side of the package in a vertical or 45-degree angle to vertical position. For enclosed
packages, the air inlet must be in the vertical position. Figure 24 shows typical Taurus 70
inlet systems and support structures.
Figure 24. Typical Taurus 70 Inlet and Exhaust Systems with Support Structures
13.1.1 Prefilter and Barrier Inlet Air Filter
The prefilter and barrier inlet air filter system is suitable for moderate environments. This
system features vertical moisture eliminators, prefilter elements, and high efficiency
barrier filters. Access doors are provided in the filter housing for servicing. The system
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