
Introduction 5
Welcome to the Celestron world of amateur astronomy! Celestron has been
providing amateur astronomers with the tools to explore the universe for more
than a quarter of a century. The Celestron Newtonian telescope continues in this
proud tradition. With a mirror diameter of 6", your C150-HD has almost 500 times
the light gathering power of the unaided human eye. The G-8N, with its 8" diameter
mirror gathers almost 800 times the light of your eye. It can show you literally
thousands of deep-sky objects. Yet your Celestron Newtonian telescope is compact
enough to take to the mountains or desert or wherever you observe.
This telescope is made of the highest quality materials to ensure durability and
stability. All this adds up to a telescope that gives you a lifetime of pleasure with a
minimal amount of maintenance. And, your Celestron telescope is versatile. It
grows as your interest grows. All you need to do is take the time to familiarize
yourself with your telescope and its operation.