The error codes will display at the radio LED.
NOTE: Radio receiver is compatible with 315MHz remotes
R1 No response from the remote Quick Flash Unlearned remote - Try re-learning the
A user tries to use a remote, remote (page 18).
but the RADIO LED only flashes
briefly and there is no response
from the operator.
R2 No response from the remote No LED Cannot recognize remote - Replace battery - OR -
activity A weak signal caused by a eliminate interference - OR-
discharged battery or outside obtain a qualified remote.
interference with the
radio - OR - the radio
being learned is not compatible
with the operator.
R3 The remote cannot be learned Radio LED Cannot recognize remote - Replace battery - OR -
turns off after A weak signal caused by a eliminate interference - OR-
30 seconds discharged battery or outside obtain a qualified remote.
interference interfering with the
learn process - OR - the radio
being learned is not compatible
with the operator.
R4 The remote cannot be learned 2 Blinks No free records - Erase all learned remotes
A user enters RADIO function and re-learn the desired
learning mode but there is no remote.
space left to add another remote.
R5 The remote cannot be learned 3 Blinks Duplicate remote - This remote already has a
A user enters RADIO function function associated with it. To
learning and selects the function change the function, erase all
to be learned. When the remote learned remotes and
button is pressed for learning, a re-learn the desired remote.
search reveals that remote
is already learned.
R6 Cannot close via constant pressure in IR LED flashes No safety device present - Obtain direct connect eyes or
C2, D1 or E2 modes. A safety device is required to a CPS3 device - OR - change
close via constant pressure. to a mode that does not
require constant pressure.