DDoocc NNoo::
02 Copyright © Hanmar Motor Corporation 2005
REAR PRIVACY DOORS (190-Versatile Model):
Open wardrobe door.
1. To open bi-fold door turn button 180 degrees and
extend bi-fold door until privacy is reached,
(see Picture B-P28).
When privacy is required:
1. To open the front privacy door,(toilet door) press
the round latch located to the right of the towel
bar until it pops out and pull on latch to open
2. Release the plastic turn tabs that secure the inner
door and extend this door until privacy is achieved,
(see Picture B-P29).
3. Complete privacy in this area can now be achieved
by closing the curtain at the galley window.
FRONT PRIVACY DOORS (190-Versatile Model):
1. Open bathroom door and turn button 180
degrees.Extend bi-fold door until privacy is
obtained, (see Picture B-P30).
NOTE: Bi-fold will secure on microwave edge.
When the privacy doors are returned to a closed position,
ensure one that the inner doors are secured with the plastic
tabs and secondly that the doors themselves are closed
properly to prevent the doors from opening while traveling.
Picture B-28: Opened bi-fold
door,(Versatile model).
Picture B-P29: Front privacy door
opened,(190 Popular model).
Picture B-P30: Extended bi-fold
door,(Versatile model).