Removing the Tailgate
Follow these steps if you want to remove the tailgate:
1. Lift up slightly on the entire tailgate assembly.
Remove the retaining
cables from both ends of
the tailgate by pulling
upward on the clip. Then,
push forward so the larger
part of the hole on the
bracket is over the bolt. Pull
the end over the bolt.
2. With the tailgate partially down, pull the tailgate
toward you at the passenger’s side and then
move the tailgate to the right to release the driver’s
side. You can then remove the entire tailgate
Reverse the procedure to reinstall the tailgate. Make
sure it is secure.
To partially lower the tailgate do the following:
1. Lift up slightly on the entire tailgate assembly.
2. Pull upward on each
clip. Then, push
forward so the larger
part of the hole on
the bracket is over the
bolt. Pull the end
over the bolt.
3. Slide the end fitting off the bottom bolt and onto the
top bolt. The tailgate will now stay in the partially
opened position.
If you would like to close the tailgate, the bracket cannot
be in the partially opened position and must be
anchored on the bottom bolt, using the secondary
position on the end fitting.
Tailgate Partially Down