
If you have trouble programming HomeLink, make sure
that you have followed the directions exactly as
described and that the battery in the hand-held
transmitter is not weak. If you still cannot program it,
move the hand
-held transmitter to the left or right or
forward or backward or flip it upside down. HomeLink
may not work with older garage door openers that do
not meet current Federal Consumer Safety Standards. If
you cannot program the transmitter after repeated
attempts, refer to “Training a Garage Door Opener with
Rolling Codes” later in this section or contact the
manufacturer of HomeLink at 1
-800-355-3515, or on
the internet at www.homelink.com.
Be sure to keep the original hand
-held transmitter in
case you need to erase and reprogram HomeLink.
Training a Garage Door Opener with a
“Rolling Code” Feature (If Equipped)
If you have not previously programmed the hand-held
transmitter to HomeLink, see “Programming the
HomeLink Transmitter” listed previously. If you have
completed this programming already, you now need to
train the garage door opener motor head unit to
recognize HomeLink.
1. Find the “Learn” or “Smart” button on the garage
door opener motor head unit. The exact location and
color will vary by garage door opener brand. If you
have difficulty finding the Learn or Smart button,
refer to your garage door opener owner’s manual or
contact the manufacturer of HomeLink at
-800-355-3515, or on the internet at
www.homelink.com. Because of the steps involved,
it may be helpful to have another person assist in
programming the transmitter.