Scheduling Service Appointments
When your vehicle requires warranty service, you should
contact your dealer and request an appointment. By
scheduling a service appointment and advising your
service consultant of your transportation needs,
your dealer can help minimize your inconvenience.
If your vehicle cannot be scheduled into the service
department immediately, keep driving it until it can be
scheduled for service, unless, of course, the problem is
safety-related. If it is, please call your dealership, let
them know this, and ask for instructions.
If the dealer requests that you simply drop the vehicle
off for service, you are urged to do so as early in the
work day as possible to allow for the same day repair.
Transportation Options
Warranty service can generally be completed while you
wait. However, if you are unable to wait, GM helps to
minimize your inconvenience by providing several
transportation options. Depending on the circumstances,
your dealer can offer you one of the following:
Shuttle Service
Participating dealers can provide you with shuttle
service to get you to your destination with minimal
interruption of your daily schedule. This includes
one-way or round trip shuttle service to a destination
up to 10 miles (16 km) from the dealership.
Public Transportation or Fuel
If your vehicle requires overnight warranty repairs,
reimbursement of public transportation expenses
may be available, for up to a maximum of five days.
In addition, should you arrange transportation through
a friend or relative, reimbursement for reasonable
fuel expenses may be available, up to a five-day
maximum. Claim amounts should reflect actual costs
and be supported by original receipts.