Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 21 Configuring Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy
Configuring Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy
Creating ACLs for Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy
To configure ACLs for the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine Proxy to reach the Cisco UCM server,
perform the following steps.
The example command lines in this task are based on a basic (in-line) deployment. See Figure 21-6 on
page 21-11 for an illustration explaining the example command lines in this task.
Command Purpose
Step 1
hostname(config)# access-list id extended permit tcp
any host ip_address eq port
hostname(config)# access-list incoming extended
permit tcp any host eq 5070
Adds an Access Control Entry (ACE). An ACL is
made up of one or more ACEs with the same ACL
ID. This ACE provides access control by allowing
incoming access for Cisco Intercompany Media
Engine connections on the specified port.
In the ip_address argument, provide the real IP
address of Cisco UCM.
Step 2
hostname(config)# access-group access-list in
interface interface_name
hostname(config)# access-group incoming in interface
Binds the ACL to an interface.
Step 3
hostname(config)# access-list id extended permit tcp
any host ip_address eq port
hostname(config)# access-list ime-inbound-sip
extended permit tcp any host eq 5070
Adds an ACE. This ACE allows the ASA to allow
inbound SIP traffic for Cisco Intercompany Media
Engine. This entry is used to classify traffic for the
class and policy map.
Note The port that you configure here must match
the trunk settings configured on Cisco UCM.
See the Cisco Unified Communications
Manager documentation for information
about this configuration setting.
Step 4
hostname(config)# access-list id extended permit tcp
ip_address mask any range range
hostname(config)# access-list ime-outbound-sip
extended permit tcp
any range 5000 6000
Adds an ACE. This ACE allows the ASA to allow
outbound SIP traffic for Cisco Intercompany Media
Engine (in the example, any TCP traffic with source
as and destination port range between
5000 and 6000). This entry is used to classify traffic
for the class and policy map.
Note Ensure that TCP traffic between Cisco UCM
and the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine
server does not use this port range (if that
connection goes through the ASA).
Step 5
hostname(config)# access-list id permit tcp any host
ip_address eq 6084
hostname(config)# access-list ime-traffic permit tcp
any host eq 6084
Adds an ACE. This ACE allows the ASA to allow
traffic from the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine
server to remote Cisco Intercompany Media Engine
Step 6
hostname(config)# access-list id permit tcp any host
ip_address eq 8470
hostname(config)# access-list ime-bootserver-traffic
permit tcp any host eq 8470
Adds an ACE. This ACE allows the ASA to allow
traffic from the Cisco Intercompany Media Engine
server to the Bootstrap server for the Cisco
Intercompany Media Engine.