Cisco ASA Series Firewall ASDM Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Configuring Access Rules
Guidelines and Limitations
The Configuration > Device Management > Advanced > HTTP Redirect > Edit pane lets you change the
HTTP redirect setting of an interface or the port from which it redirects HTTP connections. Select the
interface in the table and click Edit. You can also double-click an interface. The Edit HTTP/HTTPS
Settings dialog box opens.
Edit HTTP/HTTPS Settings
The Edit HTTP/HTTPS Settings dialog box lets you change the HTTP redirect setting of an interface or
the port number.
The Edit HTTP/HTTPS Settings dialog box includes the following fields:
• Interface—Identifies the interface on which the ASA redirects or does not redirect HTTP requests
• Redirect HTTP to HTTPS—Check to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS, or uncheck to not redirect
HTTP requests to HTTPS.
• HTTP Port—Identifies the port from which the interface redirects HTTP connections. By default it
listens to port 80.
For more information about access rules, see the “Information About Access Rules” section on page 7-1.
Configuring Transactional Commit Model
The ASA allows you to enable the Transactional commit model on the rule engine for access groups.
With this model, new rules will not take effect until the rules are compiled and stable. During
compilation packets will continue to match the old rules, but the connections per second limit will
remain unaffected.
To enable the Transactional Commit Model, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Choose Configuration > Device Management > Advanced > Rule Engine.
Step 2 Check the Enable Transactional commit model on Rule engine for Access Groups check box.
Step 3 Click Apply.