Catalyst 4500-X AC-Input Power Supply Installation Note
Removing the Power Supply
Step 3 Grasp the power supply handle with your forefinger and place your thumb on the power supply release
Step 4 Squeeze your forefinger and thumb together and pull on the power supply handle to release the power
supply from the chassis bay. (See Figure 4.)
Figure 4 Removing the AC-Input Power Supply
Step 5
Slide the power supply out of the chassis bay.
Note The power supply is approximately 14 inches (35.56 cm) long. Place your other hand underneath
of the power supply to support the power supply as you extract it from the chassis.
Step 6 Set the removed power supply aside.
Step 7 If you are not going to replace the power supply, place a power supply blank cover (part no.
C4KX-PWR-BLANK=) over the empty power supply bay opening and snap it into place. If you are
going to install a new power supply in the chassis, see the “Installing the Power Supply” section on
page 9 for instructions.