Cisco Unified Videoconferencing Manager Administrator Guide
CDR XML Tags and Attributes
This appendix details XML tags used to label data in the stored CDR .xml file, the attributes of each
configurable tag, and the order in which the tags are arranged. Topics in this section include:
• Overview of the CDR XML Tag Index, page B-1
• Understanding the CDR XML Tags, page B-5
Note All references to “VCS” in this appendix are equivalent to “Resource Manager”.
Overview of the CDR XML Tag Index
The production and storage of CDR (Call Data Records) in Resource Manager is enabled via the
Resource Manager Configuration Tool. CDR records are saved in XML format and provide
comprehensive records of each call which can then be used for analysis of the system for diagnostic and
billing purposes.
The CDR XML tag index is a detailed list of each element that can be configured to appear in the CDR.
For more information about configuring the CDR, see the “Using the CDR Configuration Tab” section
on page 11-14.
Accessing the CDR XML Tag Index
A CDR file is generated each day, by default.
Step 1 To access CDR .xml files, from the Windows Start menu, select Programs > Cisco Unified
Videoconferencing Manager > CDR files.
Step 2 Open the relevant CDR file.
The information configured to appear is listed within the tags. For a list (index) of the XML tags that
can appear in the CDR, see Table B-1 on page B-2.