Element Description Required?
<admin-interface> The single network interface to be used as the host
administration interface.
proto: dhcp or static
name: eth0 for example.
• <ipaddr>: The IP address, if proto="static"
• <subnet>: The subnet mask, if proto="static"
• <gateway>: The gateway, if proto="static"
All three child elements are required if proto="static"
<timezone> In the format used by the TZ variable, for example Europe/
London, or America/Los_Angeles.
<name-server> The IP address of a nameserver. You should use one of these
elements for each nameserver you want to use.
<hostname> Specify if you want to manually set a hostname. N
<ntp-server> Specify one or more NTP servers. N
You can also perform automated upgrades by changing the answer file appropriately. Set the mode attribute of
the installation element to upgrade, specify the disk on which the existing installation lives with the existing-
installation element, and leave the primary-disk and guest-disk elements unspecified. For example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<installation mode="upgrade">
<source type="url">http://pxehost.example.com/XenServer_/</source>
<post-install-script type="url">