7. Enable Operating System Fixup: if the disk image(s) you are importing were built on a virtualization platform
other than XenServer, select the Use Operating System Fixup check box and then select an ISO SR where
the Fixup ISO can be copied so that XenServer can access it. For more information about this feature, see
Section 11.2, “Operating System Fixup”.
Click Next to continue.
8. Configure Transfer VM networking.
Select a network from the list of network interfaces available in the destination pool or host, and then choose
to automatically or manually configure the network settings.
• To use automated Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to automatically assign networking
settings including the IP address, subnet mask and gateway, select Automatically obtain network settings
using DHCP.
• To configure networking settings manually, select Use these network settings, and then enter the required
values. You must enter an IP address, but the subnet mask and gateway settings are optional.
Click Next to continue.
9. Review the import settings, and then click Finish to begin the import process and close the wizard.
Importing a VM may take some time, depending on the size of the VM and the speed and
bandwidth of the network connection.
The import progress is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the XenCenter window and on the Logs tab.
When the newly-imported VM is available, it appears in the Resources pane.
After using XenCenter to import a disk image that contains Windows operating systems,
you must set the platform parameter. This will vary according to the version of Windows
contained in the disk image :
• For Windows Vista, Server 2008, and later, set the platform parameter to
device_id=0002. For example:
xe vm-param-set uuid=<VM uuid> platform:device_id=0002
• For all other versions of Windows, set the platform parameter to viridian=true.
For example:
xe vm-param-set uuid=<VM uuid> platform:viridian=true
11.4.3. Importing VMs from XVA
You can import VMs, templates and snapshots that have previously been exported and stored locally in XVA
format (with the .xva file extension) or XVA Version 1 format (with the ova.xml file extension). To do so, you follow
the usual steps needed to create a new VM: nominating a host, and then configuring storage and networking
for the new VM.
It may not always be possible to run an imported VM that was exported from another server
with a different CPU type. For example, a Windows VM created on a server with an Intel VT
Enabled CPU, then exported, may not run when imported to a server with an AMD-VTM CPU.
To Import VM(s) from XVA Files VM using XenCenter:
1. Open the Import wizard by doing one of the following: