In idle mode, press <MENU/SELECT>, then <UP/DOWN> to select Directory.
1. Press <MENU/SELECT>, then <UP/DOWN> to select Add contact.
2. Press <MENU/SELECT>, then use the keypad to enter the number.
Copy a number from redial list
<MENU/SELECT> to store the directory entry.
When entering the number and name
1. Press <UP> OR <DOWN> to move the cursor to the right or left.
2. Press and hold <RD/P> to enter a dialing pause (a “P” appears).
3. Press <MUTE/X> to erase a digit or character.
4. Press and hold <MUTE/X> to erase all digits or characters.
View a Directory Entry
1. In idle mode, press <UP> to access the directory.
2. Press <MENU/SELECT>, then <UP/DOWN> to select Directory, then press
<MENU/SELECT> twice to select Review.
3. Press <UP/DOWN> or to view the directory entries. Entries appear alphabetically by
the rst letter in the name.
Search a Directory Entry by Name
1. In idle mode, press <UP> to show the rst entry in the directory.
2. When an entry appears, press the dial pad keys (0-9) to start a name search.
(Alphabetical search). The directory shows the rst name beginning with the rst
letter associated with the dial pad key if there is an entry in the directory that begins
with that letter. Press <UP/DOWN> to scroll through the entries beginning with
that letter.
3. To see other names that start with the letters on the same dial pad key, keep pressing
the key until the desired letter is shown. The names appear in alphabetical order.
For example, if you have the names Jennifer, Jessie, Kevin and Linda in your directory:
If you press 5 (JKL) once, J and then Jennifer displays.